I'm studying CSS in this way.
As we all know, CSS is a simple language to learn but a difficult language to master. When I first started learning it, I thought it was a simple language, so I just jumped to js without much learning it, but when I started making projects, I found it very difficult. Most of the time, I was struggling to centre a div, yet making a full project is very difficult, so I started learning it again from the beginning. Nowadays, I have gained much confidence and building small projects every day to fully master it, so how I am doing it
*- Fundamentals are crucial.
-CSS has a set of principles that you should adhere to. .*
CSS isn't simple to learn.
I've read two books, numerous articles, and watch countless videos on each subject every day in order to gain a thorough understanding of it.
Making projects was the most significant difference in my approach to learning CSS; I'm now participating in a project challenge on (frontendmentor.io) and also creating little projects from YouTube videos.
Here are a few CSS pointers to consider.
before starting a project I am setting margin and padding to 0
box-sizing: border-box;
To centre a div
div {
place-items: center;
div {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;